Recently, I decided to switch my primary password manager to 1Password , using it across my Macbooks and Pixel phones on various browsers, including Firefox and Chrome. One bonus feature that I particularly enjoy is its compatibility with Alfred , an app that helps me be more productive on my Mac.

However, the transition was not all smooth sailing. When I transferred my passwords from Firefox and Chrome into 1Password, a couple of things didn’t go quite right. I ended up with:

  • Lots of records that had the website’s URL saved as the username and my actual username saved as the password.
  • A cluttered 1Password account with lots of duplicate records – each one with the same website, username, and password.

Naturally, manually going through hundreds of passwords to sort this out was not my idea of a fun time. Thankfully, 1Password provides a CLI tool, and with a little learning and scripting, I was able to address both issues.

To get started, I needed to install the 1Password CLI and sign in . I also needed to have jq installed on my machine.

To remove items where the username is actually a URL, I created a bash script:

for id in $(op item list --format=json | jq -r '.[] | select(.id != null) | .id'); do
  item=$(op item get $id --format=json)

  if [[ $item != null ]]; then
    fields=$(echo $item | jq -r '.fields')

    if [[ $fields != null ]]; then
      username=$(echo $fields | jq -r '.[] | select(.label=="username").value')

      if [[ $username == http* ]]; then
        op item delete $id --archive
        echo "$id deleted"

Then, I made my script executable and ran it:

chmod +x

The first issue is resolved!

Next, I addressed the problem of duplicate entries. To do this, I had to first update Bash to a more recent version that could handle special types of lists called associative arrays. Because I was using a Mac, it initially came with an older version of Bash that lacked this feature (bash --version gave me v3.2). So, my first step was to install a newer version of Bash (v5.2):

brew install bash

And find its path:

which bash

Then, used the path for running the new script to remove duplicates:

declare -A itemMap

for id in $(op item list --categories Login --format=json | jq -r '.[] | select(.id != null) | .id'); do
    item=$(op item get $id --format=json)

    if [[ $item != null ]]; then
        fields=$(echo $item | jq -r '.fields')

        if [[ $fields != null ]]; then
            username=$(echo $fields | jq -r '.[] | select(.label=="username").value')

        urls=$(echo $item | jq -r '.urls')
        href=$(echo $urls | jq -r '.[0].href')
        website=$(echo $href | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}')

        if [[ -n $website && -n $username ]]; then

            if [[ ${itemMap[$key]} ]]; then
                echo "Duplicate found:"
                echo "Item 1: id: ${itemMap[$key]}, username: $username, website: $website"
                echo "Item 2: id: $id, username: $username, website: $website"
                op item delete $id --archive
                echo "$id deleted"

Just as before, I needed to make this script executable and then ran it:

chmod +x

And the duplicates were gone! Note that in both scripts I used --archive to ensure I’m not totally deleting the records, just storing them away, so I can bring them back later if necessary. I hope this guide helps those of you who might be having the same issues with 1Password.

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