Melody is basically describing me:

Many introverts value depth and thoughtfulness in their work over noise and showmanship. They’re content to contribute without constant recognition or the spotlight.

And the consequences part also checks out:

While this tendency is admirable, it comes with pitfalls, especially in the modern, remote-first work world where being “out of sight” often equates to being “out of mind.” Perhaps you’ve been overlooked for a promotion because a senior leader wasn’t aware of you or your accomplishments. Or maybe your quiet demeanor has been mistaken for a lack of passion. These experiences may have awakened you to the fact that in today’s competitive workplace, hard work isn’t enough. You need to make sure your efforts are seen and acknowledged to unlock new opportunities and support.

We’re living in a very sad world that it’s not enough to work hard, you should make sure people know you’re working hard, and this doesn’t come naturally for us introverts.

Melody has some advice:

Speak up early in meetings

… introverts, with their tendency for introspection, can sometimes fade into the background during meetings, over-indexing on listening, deliberating too long (or overthinking) their contributions, or deferring to authority figures in the room. If you’ve ever held back in a meeting, waiting for the “right moment” to jump in, you know how quickly the moment can pass you by. The longer you wait, the tougher it gets to interject, and before you know it, all the good ideas are already out on the table. As the meeting progresses, your anxiety builds, making the hurdle to speak up seem even higher. You can circumvent this cycle by challenging yourself to be the second or third person to contribute in a meeting. This pushes you to overcome the initial barrier of participation, which is often the hardest part. Plus, it gets your voice and perspectives out there early when everyone’s still paying attention. Once you’ve broken the ice, you’ll likely find yourself feeling more at ease and ready to contribute even more.

Ditch self-deprecation

… introverts tend to habitually downplay their ideas and achievements. But habitually using disqualifiers like “I’m no expert on this” can lead others to underestimate your knowledge and capabilities, unintentionally signaling you’re not a go-to resource or thought leader in your area, even when the opposite is true. Over time, this can diminish your authority and influence. To change how your communication is received, swap self-deprecating statements for more assertive language. For example:

  • Instead of, “This may not be right, but…” try, “Another approach could be…”
  • Instead of, “Just throwing this out there…” try, “I’d like to propose…”
  • Instead of, “Sorry if this is off-topic…” try, “To broaden our perspective…”
  • Instead of, “I haven’t looked into this much…” try, “My initial thoughts are…”
  • Instead of, “This is just my opinion…” try, “Based on my understanding…”

Leverage asynchronous methods of communication

Unlike real-time conversations that demand immediate responses, asynchronous communication allows for a more reflective and deliberate exchange, which is a perfect fit for introverts. This gives you the opportunity to organize your thoughts and articulate your insights without the pressure of responding on the spot.


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